Ahadi Lodge

Things to do in and around Arusha

The following activities are within a 20km radius from Arusha and very accessible. We, at Ahadi Lodge can organize everything for you.

Multiple Tours

The Town Tour

On a town tour you can take in colours and sounds of Africa by visiting the various curio markets which sell local craft of all descriptions e.g. beaded jewellery of all types, beaded sandals, beautifully carved woodwork by local carvers and other genuine African artwork. A visit to the local Soko Kuu markets is a must to witness the trading of goods sold here. Many of the hotels, tour Companies together with the locals shop here for their fruit and vegetable supplies, various grains, meats etc. – quite an experience!!

Half Day Tours

Coffee Tour: LaKe Duluti Canoeing and Environmental Conservation.

Full Day Tours

Lake Duluti Caves & Forest, Mt Meru Waterfalls, Traditional Herbalist, Market Tour, Banana Plantation and Village Walk.

Additional Half Day Tours

Orphanage and Home Visiting.

Westmeru Cultural Tourism Enterprise

(westmeruculturaltourism@yahoo.com) offer half day tours and full day tours eg;

School of St Jude

A visit to the School of St Jude is a great experience. An Australian woman, Gemma, with the vision to make a difference, built a school to help the poorest of the poor and to give them the opportunity to a formal school education.

Please click the following links for more information:

Malaika Orphanage

Malaika is close by the School of St Jude, so if you visit St Jude certainly a visit to this orphanage is well worth it. The children will leave a lasting impression on you. There is a great need for this kind of facility as there are many children in Arusha whose parents died of Aids. Two local Arusha women, Francesca Aimone and Jutta Kassam founded this orphanage to give love and care to the children who very sadly have been orphaned.

Please click the following links for more information: